Home-work facillity since 2017

In 2017, the Dutch foundation Umoja, initiator of the Deaf Centre in Kwale, opened a home-work facility for deaf young adults. The Deaf Centre supports young people in building an independent life. In the Deaf Centre, young people from 16 years of age can live in assisted living for a maximum of two years. 

During this period, our coaches guide young people in running their own household and finding work. Think of temporary work in construction, setting up one's own company or to find a permanent job. The Deaf Centre also set up their own businesses in order to generate income and to give Deaf your the opportunity to gain work experience. For example, the Centre opened a snack shop and a hair salon in the town of Kwale, and Deaf youth can work at the Bed & Breakfast of the Deaf Centre, for instance as a cook, hostess or cleaner.

The coaches of the Deaf Centre help the young people to build bridges to the hearing world. Together they build an independent future; a life with work, a family and a home of their own.